A brief description of muscles and joints in our body and the health conditions that affect them
A joint is a part of the body where bones can bend or move around. Joints allow our bodies to be more flexible – for example, imagine what a problem it would be to walk if the joints of your legs (hips, knees, ankles and toes) did not move.
Joints are made up of bones and what are known collectively as ‘soft tissues’ - muscles, tendons, cartilage and ligaments. These soft tissue structures are important in keeping the joint stable, preventing the bones from falling away from each other.
Any part of a joint can become damaged or inflamed – situations giving rise to joint pain, joint stiffness or muscle pain.
Muscles are a type of body tissue with the unique ability of being able to contract or shorten its length. There are 3 types of muscles in our body:
Skeletal muscles are the most obvious muscles in our body. They are connected to bones by a very strong tissue known as a tendon. When skeletal muscles contract, they shorten their length and in doing so, pull on tendons which in turn pull on bones. This is how we are able to move the bones in our body.
Bones are the very hard parts of our bodies, made largely of calcium, and form our skeleton. We have 206 bones:
Bones are important as they provide the basic support structure of our body. Together with muscles, bones allow us to stand, sit, walk and many other things we take for granted. Without bones, we would not be able to live on land – just look at the jellyfish!
The ligament is the substance which connects bones together. Think of ligaments as strong threads which anchor firmly onto the ends of bones. Ligaments can hold bones very closely together preventing or severely limiting movement – an example of this is the skull.
In other joints, ligaments connect the bones more loosely, enabling the joint to move around quite a bit. A good example of this is the shoulder joint which has a remarkable degree of movement – just swing your arm around in a circle to see the degree of freedom it has.
Although ligaments are important for connecting bones, the muscles around joints also play a big part in keeping a joint stable. For example, the bones of the shoulder are kept together because the muscles in the shoulder form a firm supporting structure of soft tissue – this makes the joint strong, but very mobile, as we have seen above.
It is because of this that injuries to joints can affect ligaments as well as muscles around the joint.
Cartilage is a substance which is found in many parts of the body. The tip of your nose and your ears are made from cartilage. Cartilage is also found inside joints, lining the surface of bones. This lining is important as cartilage provides a smooth surface within the joint so that, as bones move, they do not ‘rub’ into each other causing damage.
This smooth working of a joint is assisted in many of the more freely moving joints of the body by a type of fluid called synovial fluid. This is secreted by the synovium – a type of tissue found within the joint.
The synovium helps to form what is known as the ‘joint capsule’ – a structure enveloping the ends of the bones, cartilage, involving ligaments, tendons and muscles around the joint.
Damage to cartilage is one of the major causes of joint pain. This damage can arise as a result of ‘wear and tear’ of the joint as in osteoarthritis or through a number of forms of inflammation, such as with rheumatoid arthritis.
Pain in muscles and joints can arise as a result of a variety of causes, the most common of which are summarised below. Follow the links to read more information:
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