
Asthma Formula

For the adjunctive management of chronic asthma and the signs and symptoms thereof

Asthma Formula
  • Aralia racemosa, Grindela robusta, Lobelia inflata and Drosera rotundifolia: relieves symptoms associated with asthma.
  • Cephaelis ipecucuanha, Grindela robusta and Hedera helix: aid the expectoration of mucous.
  • Cephaelis ipecucuanha, Lobelia inflate and Drosera rotundifolia: assist in the relief of asthmatic coughing.
  • Ammi visnaga: relieves the spasm of the smooth muscles associated with asthma.

Ingredients address tightness of the chest, asthmatic cough, elimination of mucous and have antispasmodic and tonic action on the lungs. Can also be used for tightness of the chest associated with coughs and colds and flu.

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